Dear Woman — If You Can’t Find a Way Then Make a Way

Dee Serevino
2 min readMay 2, 2019


If you can’t find a way, make a way: Pride and strength are two of the most functional traits that humans, and in more concentrated areas women, have at their disposal. It is up to everyone living, breathing and surviving to utilize these tactics of empowerment and establish meaningful and fulfilling lives. To many women struggle through situations leaving them with feelings of destitution, abandonment, betrayal and most dangerously hate, towards the world and their own lives. The truth of any situation is that your surroundings dictate your future (if you let them), and your actions of integrity and growth flourish in these instances. When looking at growth from a grand, tangible perspective, there are two sides, or extremes to growth. For example, growing up in a rich or wealthy family may present an individual with more opportunities to discover success, due to the well-established social curriculum woven deep under the skin of the more fortunate and well fed. On the other end of these supposed utopias, is the rest of the world. An endless list of tragedies and unfortunate answers to what the fortunate may not be able to ask due to their blissful blindness. Throughout the world, strong, capable women have conquered intense situations, the same situations that feel too private to expose, yet much too large to ignore. Many of them have a library worth of stories to exchange with one another, and the world is better for these stories. Everyone on the planet has the right to success, yet the great equalizer of the human race is doubt. The most cryptic obstacle of life is attempting to remove this doubt and follow your dreams, undeterred by the temporary complications that occur despite the sweetest of intentions. This feat has been mastered and will be mastered, especially by you. Once doubt is removed your inner peace may grow into its prevalence, thus spawning joy. Any situation can yield positive results, but every woman needs to recognize this fact, get creative and then turn your dreams into reality. Once a powerful woman gets passionate about herself and her dreams, there is no limit to her skills. If you can’t find a way-then make a way.

